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First presentation @ Work-Work

Borgar Ljosland (former Falanx / ARM Norway-chief), Stig Eide Sivertsen (formerly Canal Digital’s CEO) and Hein Espen Hattestad (previously MTG Norway boss) are the people behind Parrotplay, a service for moving images on the internet, that collects all your channels, both TV and streaming services, at a common portal to simplify media your everyday life.

Last night ParrotPlay presented its concept and the possibilities it opens. Jon Wessel-Aas (Bing Hodne Land Law Company DA) gave us an insight into the legal challenges and opportunities encountered with Internet as a distribution channel.

This was the first event ever organized at Work-Work, thanks to all attending. The build will continue for another month before we’re open for business, but this was a great beta-test for the Work-Work eventorganizer-crew. The seminar was organized in collaboration with the Consultative Board KKN in NIT, as a part of the official program for Trondheim Playground #trdplayground